Electric Vehicles And Renewable Energy: A Perfect Match Made in Heaven

When we say “EV,” the first thing that comes to your mind is, obviously, “Electric Vehicle.” Electric vehicle (EV) is an emerging and revolutionary industry that improves fuel economy, lowers fuel costs, and reduces emissions. The future of electric vehicles and renewable energy will be a perfect match, and the combination of both will help combat the growing issue of climate change.

According to The International Energy Agency, approximately 125 million electric vehicles will be owned by people worldwide by 2030. Also, more than 30% of new vehicle sales in India will be electric by 2030.

Doesn’t this sound interesting? Of course, yes, it sounds fantastic, but most electric vehicles get power from coal-fired power, which will harm the environment dramatically in the long run.

But don’t worry as they say – Modern problems require modern solutions. The perfect and modern solution for this problem is renewable energy.


There is a list of renewable energy sources available in the market. Here are the types of renewable energy sources.
Solar energy
→ Wind energy
→ Hydro energy
→ Tidal energy
→ Geothermal energy
→ Biomass energy

But talking about the most popular choice and future of renewable energy that will take over the traditional conventional electricity is solar energy.

Electric vehicles and renewable energy are a match made in heaven. We will discuss the advantages of electric vehicles and how they can be a major boon for renewable energy. Let’s dive into the various aspects and why electric vehicles and renewables are a perfect match made in heaven.

Why will electric vehicles be a boon for renewable energy?

We all know that EVs are highly efficient than conventional gasoline-powered vehicles. If they generate energy from a renewable energy source, it will help reduce emissions and improve overall air quality.

Several leading automobile giants such as Mahindra, Tata Motors, Hyundai, Tesla, and the list are heading towards the EV industry. Some have already established a good infrastructure in the market.

When we talk about reducing carbon emission and improving air quality in India through EVs, it is important to go hand in hand with renewable energy sources; otherwise, we will witness carbon emission enhancement and air quality reduction.


According to one study, EVs in China contribute around two to five times more smog than gasoline-powered vehicles due to the country’s dependence on a coal-fired grid. We don’t want to face the same situation in our country.

We hope the above-discussed reasons are enough to understand why electric vehicles are a boon for renewable energy. Switching to renewable sources of energy to complete our day to day tasks will help us build an environment-friendly ecosystem in the country.

Current adoption of electric vehicles and the future of electric vehicles

The current stage in India for EVs is booming and expanding. With the drastic increase in petrol prices, people are switching towards green energy that helps save the environment and live a happy and healthy lifestyle.

The leading EV solutions provider Magenta has recently set up the country’s largest public EV charging station in Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, to provide 4,000 charging facilities by March next year. We are focusing more on EV charging stations powered by renewable energy to ensure that our future will remain safe and pollution-free.

As the countries worldwide have already shifted to electric vehicles, India shows a keen interest in reducing the environmental pollution in this automotive paradigm shift.

Market Share of EVs in India

EV manufacturing is booming and becoming popular day by day, and it is forming a trend and adding exceptional savings to your monthly expense on petrol. As the industry is expanding, its market share is expected to rise abundantly. By keeping this in mind, India’s GDP is expected to grow by an amazing 25% by 2022.

The most crucial benefit of EV technology after reducing environmental pollution is that it helps in lowering oil imports by around $60 billion till 2030. By reading the current scenario, the oil demand in India is around 82%, which is fulfilled by imports. It shows how healthy the Indian economy will be with this growing and expanding EV vehicle.

Some Prominent Steps Government is Taking to Promote Electric Vehicles:

The government is taking some smart and bold steps in promoting environmental-friendly policies and renewable energy in India. From providing subsidies and reducing costs to supporting young entrepreneurs, these steps will drastically change the Indian economy.

Here are Some Prominent Steps Government is Taking:

→ Extensive reduction in GST amount of 5% compared to the regular cars GST amount 28%.
→ Offering exemption on loans of approx. 1.5 lakhs for buying an Electric vehicle.
→ Customs duty exemption on importing EV parts.

Benefits of Electric Vehicles:

From eco-friendly (electrically powered engines) electric vehicles, running on clean energy to contributing to a healthy and green environment, EVs are the future and connecting them with renewable energy will add more advantages to your living.

→ Electric vehicles are cost-effective and work on electrically powered engines that give you enough savings opportunities.
→ Electric vehicles are highly convenient. You can easily charge and commute according to the distance.
→ EVs are 100% eco-friendly; thus, it offers you no emission.
→ Evs are safe to drive and give you some extra features.
→ Low maintenance that gives you enhanced durability
→ Easy to drive and provide you with a reduction in noise pollution.

Wrapping Up

Electric vehicles are the future that will be the next revolution in the world of fighting against carbon emission and pollution. Connecting electric vehicles with renewable energy is the next big thing that will bring change to the environment. With the increasing petrol prices, EVs are a blessing for humans.


India is moving towards the growing segment of electric vehicles and might become the leading country in producing electric vehicles in the world. Combining the incredible benefits of solar energy and outstanding electric vehicles’ outstanding features will help create a new and innovative green India. We hope that this blog provides you with detailed information about the perfect match between electric vehicles and renewable energy.

Affordable, smart, and convenient is what we call the perfect combination of electric vehicles and renewable energy. Hence, electric vehicles and renewable energy are a perfect match made in heaven.

About LUBI Electronics

LUBI Electronics is a leading company in India, exhibiting expertise in the automation, solar, and control panel industry.

Our solar offerings include best-in-class solar modules, solar pumps, solar pump controllers and solar inverters.

For more information on our offerings, please reach out to us at lubi@lubielectronics.com.

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