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LSY Series : AC Centrifugal Monoblock Pump

Existence of human life in rural area depends largely on the availability of clean water to people, crops and livestock. In many parts of India there is shortage of reliable electric power for homes and irrigation of fields where Lubi LSY series of solar Centrifugal Monoblock pumping systems can make a remarkable contribution.

The LSY Solar Centrifugal Monoblock pumping system offered by Lubi is a state of the art high technology product designed to provide a green and energy efficient solution for a reliable water supply.

LSY-A010-10-18-1.2K 1 0.75 11-16 112-191 1200
LSY-A010-10-14-1.2K 21-27 42-65
LSY-A020-21-1.8K 2 1.5 8-11 240-351 1800
LSY-A020-16H-1.8K 14-17 208-237
LSY-A030-42-3K 3 2.2 11-16 225-332 3000
LSY-A030-48-3K 14-20 179-266
LSY-A050-18-4.8K 5 3.7 9-13 530-620 4800
LSY-A050-16-4.8K 14-20 305-470
LSY-A050-13-4.8K 18-26 199-341
LSY-A075-27L-7K 7.5 5.5 11-16 635-830 7000
LSY-A075-26-7K 26-18 440-632
LSY-A100-36-9K 10 7.5 20-30 469-680 9000
LSY-A100-33-9K 32-47 200-414

Range of Performance

Maximum Flow: 840m3/day, Maximum head : 95 Meters, Rating : 0.5 hp to 30hp, 0.37KW to 22 KW

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    Flood irrigation of small fields

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    Drip irrigation for farms

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    Cattle watering

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    Water supply for small villages, schools, hospitals and homes

Product Details

  • Range of Performance

    Maximum Flow : 840m3/day
    Maximum head : 95 Meters
    Rating : 0.5 hp to 30hp, 0.37KW to 22 KW
  • Operating Conditions

    Ambient Temperature : +50°C
    Liquid temperature range : 0°C to +80°C
    Water pH : 6.5 - 8
    Sand content : 25g/m3
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